Monday, June 5, 2017

Being at the Bottom of the Totem Pole and the Four Words That Turn You Into a Servant

Other Duties as Required

So you see that tiny little clause on an application and you don't give it a second thought. Other duties as required? Sure. Absolutely! 


You see, those little words instantly make you the subject of your boss's whims. Especially if you're low man on the totem pole (and even more especially in an office job).

This phrase has become my worst nightmare; has become the bane of my existence; has made me want to pull out my hair; has literally made me want to tell off my boss and not even consider the repercussions. 

If my boss doesn't feel like doing one of her arduous reports because she's wasted too much time roaming the halls and gossiping? 
I'm told to do it.
If my boss needs all her files organized because she's left them on her desk since I was knee-high to a grasshopper?
I'm told to do it.
If they need a schmuck to deal with the copy machine contractor?
I'm told to do it.
If they need someone to answer an irate caller and my boss would rather browse Facebook than communicate the information?
I'm told to do it.
If someone calls in and someone else is needed to fill in?
I'm told to do it.

Now I'm no stranger to hard work. Obviously, I have two jobs and a full plate of responsibilities. 
But at the same time seeing my boss do the bare minimum and have her give me her grunt work because it's "Other Duties as Required" really makes me want to lose my mind at work. 

While I'm generally a disgruntled worker because of these scenarios, I try to stay positive.
So tip to the other lowly workers out there?

  • Deep breaths
  • Focus on the paycheck (you know, the one which you need to pay your bills)
  • Focus on what it means to be the "yes-man" (hopefully your boss will remember that at review time) 
  • Think about the future (you won't be the low man forever)
  •  Ask yourself how hard the job really is at hand- usually it's more tedious than anything 

These are what's kept me sane; hopefully it works for you. 

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